Европейское экономическое сообщество
Региональная организация, учрежденная в 1958 г. в Риме с целью развития интеграции между странами-членами в сфере экономики. Договор об учреждении ЕЭС был подписан шестью странами - ФРГ, Францией, Италией, Нидерландами, Бельгией и Люксембургом, которые ранее сотрудничали (за исключением Нидерландов) в области торговли углем и сталью (см. ECSC). В 1967 г., когда образовалась Европейская комиссия (см. European Commission), организация стала называться Европейским сообществом (ЕС). Позже к сообществу присоединились Великобритания, Ирландия и Дания - в 1973 г., Греция - в 1981 г., Испания и Португалия - в 1986 г. EC удалось создать общий рынок, в рамках которого осуществляется свободное перемещение товаров, услуг, рабочей силы и капитала, разработать общую конкурентную, аграрную и региональную политику, а также заложить основы Европейской валютной системы. См. также European Union, European Monetary System.

Новый англо-русский словарь-справочник. Экономика. — М.: Флинта, Наукa. . 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY (EEC)" в других словарях:

  • European Economic Community (EEC) — later European Community (EC) known as the Common Market Association of European countries designed to promote European economic unity. It was established by the Treaty of Rome in 1957 to develop the economies of the member states into a single… …   Universalium

  • European Economic Community — EEC redirects here. For other uses, see EEC (disambiguation). This article is about the multinational organization established in 1957 and became part of the first European Union pillar from 1993 to 2009. For the collective of the three European… …   Wikipedia

  • European Economic Community — (EEC) the third of the three foundation organisations of what is now the European Union. Constituted by one of the Rome Treaties of March 1957, this community drove progress towards European integration. Its common market was the source of… …   Law dictionary

  • European Economic Community — ˌEuropean ˌEconomic Comˈmunity abbreviation EEC noun ORGANIZATIONS an old name for the European Community, used especially when it was referred to in relation to its economic institutions, for example the agreement to allow goods and services to… …   Financial and business terms

  • European Economic Community —   [jʊərə piːən iːkə nɔmɪk kə mjuːnɪtɪ, englisch], Abkürzung EEC, die Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft …   Universal-Lexikon

  • European Economic Community — /ˌjυərəpi:ən i:kənɒmɪk kə mju:nɪti/ noun a grouping of European countries which later became the European Union. Abbreviation EEC. Also called European Community …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Convention on the association of the Netherlands Antilles with the European Economic Community — Convention amending the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, with a view to making applicable to the Netherlands Antilles the special regime of association defined in part IV of the said Treaty Type Amends the Treaty establishing… …   Wikipedia

  • European Economic Community — EEC; Common Market The European common market set up by the six member states of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in 1957. At the same time the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) was set up. The European Parliament and the… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • (the) European Economic Community — the European Economic Community [the European Economic Community] (abbr the EEC) a former organization, started in 1957, to encourage trade within Europe. In Britain it was also known as the Common Market …   Useful english dictionary

  • the European Economic Community — UK US noun ECONOMICS, POLITICS ► THE EEC(Cf. ↑the EEC) …   Financial and business terms

  • 1969 in the European Economic Community — 1st and 2nd December: European summit in The Hague. This was the first summit of the EEC s heads of state and government during which far reaching decisions were reached (former summits were purely ceremonial). The two most important results of… …   Wikipedia

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